Artist: Darkside
Album: Psychic
Label/Year: Matador/Other People, 2013
Che gusto ha/What does it taste like:
sfornato dal duo Clapton-Waters nell'84). Ma le sorprese non finiscono qui, perchè "The Only Shrine I've Seen" con la sua lunga intro in clap-clap ed i bassi che si insinuano (dopo quasi due minuti), morbidi ed ovattati come suoni immersi nelle profondità del mare, sono un altro colpo gobbo dei Darkside che ci stende e ci fa ricordare che a spasso con i già citati amici, potrebbe esserci anche un signore di nome Alan Parson. Si procede con la splendida e stralunata "Freak, Go Home", un piccolo capolavoro di psichedelia elettronica dalle nuances leggeremente più votate al pop d'autore. Poi, ad anticipare l'imminente fine dell'album c'è l'interludio quasi radioheadiano di "Green Light" ma non possiamo ancora andare a dormire perchè l'ultimo sospiro di Psychic, "Metatron", è una traccia, ancora una volta, capace di farci vagare nei più godevoli meandri della nostra mente. Una sorta di risveglio cerebrale da cui ci riprendiamo e, ancora con gli occhi appannati, ci troviamo a pensare che con grande probabilità abbiamo appena ascoltato il più bell'album del 2013. Ma sarebbe riduttivo incasellare questo lavoro in una trappola temporale. Allora gridiamo al capolavoro.
(ENG) "Psychic" is a brilliant album. Rich of genre's combustions but resulting, on the whole, as disarmingly organic. This work focuses on atmospheres, in which Pink Floyd, Clapton and Jean-Michelle Jarre are apparently walking for sonic territories that have, once again, the taste of the unexplored. Dave Harrington's guitar gives lifeblood to Jaar's eccentricities creating environments that aim at playing with the most intimate crevices of the cosmic mind (title, therefore, extremely apt). The long opening track "Golden Arrow" is a perfect example of this, and it introduces us to this new work by the duo Darkside (Jaar/Harrington). "Heart" is a wonderful musical journey, in which all of the above-mentioned ingredients are mixed and overlap eachother in a sort of cosmic-ballad that makes you fall in love for it at first listen. Harrington 's guitar in "Paper Trails " makes it look like a left out track from "The Pros and Cons of Hitch Hiking" (concept album delievered to us by the duo Clapton-Waters in 1984). But the surprises do not end there, because "The Only Shrine I've Seen", with its long clap-clap intro and the basses that creep in (after almost two minutes), and sounding so soft and muffled to seem immersed in the depths of the sea, are another of Darkside's brilliant reawakenig-slaps into our faces. Which make us consider that, walking with the aforementioned friends, there could also be a gentleman named Alan Parson. We proceed with the beautiful and bewildering "Freak , Go Home", a small masterpiece of psychedelic electronics by the slighly more pop-oriented nuances. Then, in anticipation to the imminent end of the album, is the almost-radioheadian interlude "Green Light". But we still can not seat back, because the last sigh of Psychic, "Metatron", is a track capable, once again, of making us wander in the most enjoyable mazes of our minds. A sort of cerebral-awakening from which we recover and, with our eyes still misted, we feel like we may most likely have just heard the most beautiful album of 2013. But it would be simplistic to classify this work into a temporary trap. So we cry out to the masterpiece.
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